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Current Statutes Approved by the General Assembly in the year 1984
Chapter I – Name, location Scope and Purposes
Article 1
Banda Municipal de Câmara de Lobos founded on November 18, 1872 with the name “Recreio dos Lavadores”, its headquarters are at the Torre, Parish and Municipality of Câmara de Lobos, and are governed by these internal regulations.
Article 2
The purposes of the Banda Municipal de Câmara de Lobos are the following:
a) To instruct its apprentices and performers in order to promote and develop, encouraging the collaboration and exchange of those dedicated to the study of musical art, in order to present themselves worthily in public.
b) Encourage the union and camaraderie among the performers, facilitating their mutual knowledge and esteem.
c) Enhance gratuitously or remunerated according to the Direction so determine, Charity Parties, campuses and others.
d) To promote by all possible means and within reach the progress of the community, as well as its name in the Region and abroad.
e) Organize competitions and competitions.
f) Provide its members with the information they require from them.
g) Create and maintain initiatives of social interest promoting and fostering among its members and supporters in a climate of true friendship and unity.
h) Provide information, give opinions and propose measures to the Regional Government and official entities, regarding the dynamization of its activity and the legitimate interests of its members.
i) Organize Courses, promote lectures, exhibitions in the musical field.
j) To ensure the performance of the performers in this Region and to advise them in such a way as to avoid, by the means at their disposal, any acts that may disturb the activity of musicians in general or of some in particular, and do not contravene the healthiest and normal rules of good conduct and coexistence among all, and the established in this Regulation.
Chapter II – Partners
Article 3
The Municipal Band of Câmara de Lobos will be composed of an unlimited number if members with the following categories namely:
a) Performers;
b) Apprentices;
c) Protectors;
d) Beneméritos.
Article 4
Performing members are those who take artistic functions in the Band.
Unique – Every executing partner is obliged to take part with voice in the deliberations of the General Assembly, to present proposals that it deems of interest for the Collectivities, and to ask the questions that wish to obtain data or clarifications, and have voting rights, without age limit .
Article 5
Apprentice members are all individuals who make musical learning in this Band, who can only take part in the general rehearsals when the conductor so understands.
Unique – Apply the content of the paragraph of the previous article, but does not have the right to vote, however its presence in the General Assembly is optional.
Article 6
Protecting members, all individuals, who in any way assist the Band and subject to the glue of a monthly quota stipulated by the General Assembly.
Article 7
Beneméritos members are individuals who in any way distinguish themselves in the aggrandizement of the Collectivity.
Unique – This Distinction or any other type of honor may only be conferred by the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly, by proposal of the Direction, or by a group of 5 members, and its resolution will be by secret ballot, always having to include in the convocation the name of the candidate to be elected to this category or to honor.
Article 8
All Protector and Benemérito members have the right to voice and vote in the General Assembly, when they are over eighteen years of age in full enjoyment of their rights, in which case they may elect and be elected when they are already partners for more than three months.
Article 9
Members of this Collectivity, in unlimited number and in the various categories, may be natural persons or collectivities, greater or not of any Race, Nationality or Belief who request their enrollment for this purpose, in full compliance with the requirements formulated in this regulation, directed to the Direction and subscribed by two partners, in the full enjoyment of their rights.
Article 10
The proposal of admission in a template adapted by the Direction, will be signed by the candidate and proposing partners, totally filled by the proposed partner and accompaniment of his photos type B.I..
a) In the proposal it declares the candidate to know and to accept the Statutes and as well as the Internal Regulation, committing itself to attack its dispositions.
b) Once a proposal has been received, it is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Board to have it posted in the Collective for ten days, after which it will be present at the first meeting of the Board, which may deliberate or await the opportunity for the new admission.
c) The members may protest against the admission of the individual proposed to members but only during the period of the exposition of the respective proposal. This duly justified protest addressed to the Management shall be presented in writing, signed, and indicating the number of member protesting. The Directorate shall be responsible for the reasons given and decide.
Article 11
The proposing members must provide the Management with the clarifications and information that it needs regarding the candidate.
The voting of admission of each member will be made by scrutiny of the Direction.
Article 12
The members of the Board of Directors may not disclose the opinions issued in the direction of the Board, which are confidential.
Article 13
In the case of a candidate being refused, the secretary shall inform the first tenderer accordingly, but shall inform him of the decision taken without being obliged to explain the reason or to indicate the name or names of those who protested against the admission of the proposed individual for members.
Article 14
a) In the case of a candidate being rejected, the bidders may request explanations from the Management, who will give them if he / she understands, and only they will be able to appeal to the Ordinary General Assembly of the Collectivity.
b) In the case of a candidate being refused can only be proposed again one year after the ballot, and can not be proposed again if it is rejected three times.
Article 15
Members who sign a proposal for admission shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of the first quota.
Article 16
Can not be admitted as partners:
a) Those that do not come to be considered by the Direction;
b) Those that under proposal of Direction will be expelled by the General Assembly.
Article 17
The Member that in any way ceases to belong to the Collectivity, does not have the right to the reimbursement of any impotence that has paid.
Article 18
When the date of approval of the member after the fifteenth of the month, it is considered for the payment effect as admitted in the following month, unless the member wants to pay the one referring to the current month or year.
Article 19
Regardless of any donations with which the members wish to benefit the social safe, the minimum monthly dues payable are fifty escudos.
a) Changes to the values of quotas must be approved by the General Assembly at the proposal of the Management, and will only be effective as of the date of the General Assembly and may in no case have retroactive effect.
b) The members are obliged to make the payment of their quotas to the Treasurer of the Direction, or who in turn to delegate it.
c) A member who completes the one-year delay of his quotas, without presenting a justifying reason, in writing, shall be notified by the Board of Directors or who in turn shall cause him to be represented, and if he does not satisfy this payment within 30 days, all your rights, until you settle your debt, being eliminated after three months.
Article 20
The partners must:
a) Acquire, through remuneration established by the Management a copy of these Internal Regulations and identity card.
b) Satisfy on time the established quota.
c) Observe and strictly comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
d) To abide by the decisions of the General Assembly, and resolution of the Board, when they are not contrary to the spirit of this Regulation.
e) Exercise for free and jealously, the positions for which they are elected, except legitimate reason for refusal or resignation.
f) To attend the Assemblies to be summoned legally, to evaluate, to discuss and to vote, besides proposing measures that he deems appropriate for the good of the social and moral interests, bringing to his knowledge proposals for the good march of the society.
g) Defend and preserve the Heritage of the Collectivity, indemnifying it for damages on furniture, utensils and other material, except when for the sake of attendance, damage them involuntarily.
h) Request, in writing, your resignation when you do not wish to continue to be partners, and participate in the changes of residence. A member who does not have payment of his obligations may not obtain his voluntary resignation while owing to the Collective any amount or quota or to return any material in his possession.
i) Provide the Collectivity with the information requested for the accomplishment of its purposes.
j) Comply with the penalties imposed on them and all other obligations imposed by law.
k) To care for the interests of the Collective and to promote its aggrandizement, collaborating by all means at its disposal in the tasks of the Collective.
Article 21
The rights of the members are:
a) To take part in the General Assembly, to elect and to be elected to the positions of the Collective, with the regulatory limitations.
b) To benefit, in general, from all the advantages that the Collective agrees.
c) Attending the registered office alone or accompanied by persons of his family or any other, but can not be accompanied by a former member expelled from society or excluded.
d) To examine in the proper time the reports of accounts, writing and documentation of the Management and opinion of the Fiscal Council.
e) Propose new members and request the convocation of the General Assembly, in a petition signed by more than ten members in full enjoyment of their rights.
f) To appeal to the General Assembly of all the deliberations of the Board that involve violation of the Statutes.
g) Three united members may request the Board to suspend another member, provided that they submit in writing and under the signature of the three, any accusation justified against said member and that it is deduced that the accused has conducted in an improper and shameful manner to an associate . The Directorate shall hear the parties and shall decide in its discretion, without the accused or the accusers being able to ask them to explain the decision taken. From this, any interested party may appeal to the first General Assembly considering the member suspended until the end of the Assembly’s decision, if the Board has applied the expulsion penalty.
Unique – the rights in this article will no longer be exercised if the Collective’s writing shows that the member has more than one year of quotas, the same is true of the suspended members and during the suspension.
Article 22
Violations of the rules set forth in this regulation, as well as the deliberations of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, will cause the following penalties.
a) Warning;
b) Traffic ticket;
c) Suspension of rights;
d) Exclusion.
1º. All of these penalties fall within the jurisdiction of the Board (except for the exclusion that falls within the competence of the General Assembly) and its decision can be appealed to the General Assembly in the case of items b, c, d, h of article 20 except in the case provided for in Article 19 (3), which gives rise to the suspension of rights, in which there is no appeal.
2º. the penalty of letter c will be communicated to the member, by the Secretary of the Board or by who in turn makes him represent.
Article 23
Members who fail to comply with the provisions of Article 20 (h) or other minor offenses understood as such by the Board of Directors shall be penalized.
Article 24
The penalty of fine will be imposed as compensation when the infraction causes material damage to the Collectivity.
Unique – The many applied must be met within 15 days of its notification.
Article 25
Incorrect penalty if suspension of rights:
a) Those who are in arrears for one year in payment of their quotas.
b) Those that cause, damage or doubt, without probation the probity of any member of the managing bodies.
c) Those who have been warned twice for the same reason, or three times for different reasons.
Unique – the suspended penalties of law may go up to a year, however it is up to the Board to make such a decision.
Article 26
The suspended members are not exempt from payment of their quotas but only inhibited from exercising their rights granted in these Regulations.
Article 27
The penalty for exclusion is:
a) Members holding any position, take over money or other assets of the Collective and refuse to deliver them regardless of the legal process.
b) To those who in any way proposed or persistently undermine the interests and good name of the Collective.
1º. The exclusion may only be imposed by the General Assembly, at the proposal of the Management, in an appraisal of a proceeding that includes the defense of the partner in the face of the charge that has been made, the exclusion resolution shall obtain a favorable veto of two- members present at the sitting.
2º. The Board, if it finds it convenient, may proceed to the suspension of the member until the General Assembly deliberation.
Article 28
No penalty may be imposed without the accused being notified to present his defense in writing within eight days.
Unique – Notifications will be made, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
Article 29
The application of the penalties provided for in Article 22 (a), (b) and (c) shall always be subject to appeal to the General Assembly which shall be lodged under penalty of forfeiture within eight days of notification of a decision, of the meeting by the member concerned.
Article 30
The excluded members may be reinstated provided that the General Assembly specially convened for this purpose or on the agenda of the day is expressly recorded the discussion of readmission and that on proposal of the Directorate, at the request of the duly justified party approve it in secret ballot, majority of the three-quarters of the voting members.
a) If the decision of this General Assembly is based on a wrong application of the penalty of exclusion, the member re-acquires his old number without having to pay the quotas related to the exclusion period.
b) If the readmission referred to in this article results from forgiveness or amnesty, the reinstated member will pay the dues referring to the period that the exclusion occurred, but will not be able to repurchase his old number.
Chapter III – Managing Bodies
Article 31
The Association’s bodies are: The General Assembly, the Management and the Fiscal Council.
Unique – the mandate for the exercise of social positions shall last for three years, and re-election to all positions without limitation is permitted.
Article 32
All positions are personal, free, voluntary and filling vacancies occurring in the course of the course will be the responsibility of the president of the body itself where the vacancy occurred.
a) The choice to fill the position can only fall, in a member in full enjoyment of his rights, who will exercise his position until the end of the term of office of the other members of the same body.
Article 33
Only members who have never incurred any penalty referred to in article 22, greater and in full enjoyment of their rights, who have been permanently and permanently residing in the Region for more than one year are only legible for management bodies.
Article 34
It will determine the total dismissal of any body of the managing bodies, the resignation of the majority of the respective members, in which case an Extraordinary General Assembly is called for a new election of its members.
Article 35
The members of the governing bodies may not abstain from voting in the deliberations of meetings to which they are present, they shall be liable for the damages resulting therefrom, unless they have expressed their disagreement.
Article 36
The Management and Fiscal Council are called by the respective Presidents and can only deliberate with the presence of the majority of their holders.
Sole – Decisions are taken by majority vote of the present holders having the president in addition to their vote, tie-breaking vote.
Chapter IV – General Assembly
Article 37
The General Assembly is a meeting of all the members in full enjoyment of their rights and in it resides the supreme power of the Collective.
Unique – The General Assembly meets regulations with the presence of all, and half an hour after the time marked in the call, with any number.
Article 38
The work of the General Assembly shall be conducted by a panel consisting of a president, a secretary and a member.
Unique – In the absence of any members of the Board, the Assembly shall appoint from among the members present, those who were necessary, to constitute or complete the table, in order to direct the work and with the same attributions of the elected panel, these appointments will be valid for the duration of the absence and for the period in which the Assembly is held.
Article 39
It is the responsibility of the General Assembly, the approval of the balance sheet, report and accounts of the Board, the amendment of the Internal Regulations, the extinction of the Collectivity and the authorization for this to demand the administrators for facts practiced in the exercise of their duties.
Unique – By resolution of the General Assembly, the Collectivity may associate with other National Congener.
Article 40
The General Assembly shall meet ordinarily on the last Friday of the month of March of each year, except in case of force majeure, exclusively for:
a) Consideration and voting of the report and accounts of the Management as an opinion of the Fiscal Council in relation to the previous year.
b) To elect the members of the managing bodies that should be elected and when the mandate of these bodies has determined.
Article 41
At the regular meetings of the General Assembly, it is obligatory to grant, before the beginning of the agenda, thirty minutes for the discussions on the subjects, being valid the decisions taken.
Unique – The management accounts and the respective opinion of the Audit Committee shall be made clear to the members in the management’s office for eight days before the ordinary meeting of the General Assembly.
Article 42
The General Assembly meets extraordinarily whenever it has been requested to convene.
a) For its President;
b) By the Direction;
c) For the Fiscal Council;
d) When requested to the Chairman of the board, with a legitimate purpose, by a set of twenty associates or one tenth, in the full enjoyment of their rights.
1º. When convened at the request of any of the presidents of the organs of the Collectivity. The Assembly may only function if the majority of the members of the bodies which so request are present.
2º. As required by a set of associates, the General Assembly may only function if at least two thirds and one of the applicants are present.
3º. Extraordinary General Assemblys may not, under any pretext, be treated, discussed or voted on matters outside the agenda that appear in the notice.
Article 43
The secretary of the General Assembly or who in turn makes it represent will send to all the members the convocation made by the respective President, at least fifteen days in advance for the ordinary meetings and eight for the extraordinary meetings, without prejudice to its publication in one of the newspapers the announcement of the announcement shall always indicate the purpose of the deliberations to be taken, the date, time and place of the meeting and its agenda.
Unique – In case of extreme urgency duly proven, the convocation can be posted, from the headquarters of the Collectivity, in advance of forty eight hours, as long as it is published in two local daily newspapers.
Article 44
Expenses to be made with the convocation of an Extraordinary General Assembly at the request of members are paid by the group that requested them, delivering in advance for this purpose to the treasurer of the Board the importance that is attributed by the President taking responsibility in the group members for the correctness after accurate knowledge of the advertisement.
Article 45
Resolutions taken on matters outside the agenda are void unless all members attend the meeting and all agree on the addition.
Article 46
The appearance of all associates sanction any irregularities of the convocation, of which they oppose the holding of the Meeting.
Article 47
Except as provided in the following paragraphs, resolutions are taken by absolute majority of the votes of the shareholders present with voting rights, and the Chairman has a casting vote.
a) The deliberations on amendments to the Internal Regulations require the favorable vote of three-fourths of the number of the voting members present.
b) Resolutions on dissolution require the favorable vote of all members.
Article 48
The whole proposal, before the will, should be read aloud by the secretary (which may be summarized, when necessary) or by the vowel.
a) Voting will be nominal when required.
b) The vote shall be by secret ballot when requested by five members or if there is a discussion of matters of a personal nature recognized by the chairman of the board of the General Assembly.
Article 49
The resolutions of the Ordinary or Extraordinary General General Assemblys shall be binding on all members, whether or not they have attended them, provided they comply with statutory or regulatory provisions.
Article 50
The member can not vote, by himself or as representative of another, in matters where there is a conflict of interests between the community and him or her spouse, ascendant or descendant.
Unique – Decisions taken in violation of the provisions of the body of this article may be annulled, if the vote of the disabled member is essential to the existence of the necessary majority.
Article 51
The deliberations of the General Assembly contrary to this regulation or to its bylaws are due to the objective, whether due to irregularities, occurring in the convocation of the associates or in the functioning of the Assembly, can be annulled.
Article 52
The associate quality is not transferable, the associate can not entrust others to exercise their personal rights.
Unique – Members exercise their voting rights by presence.
Article 53
It is incumbent upon the General Assembly:
a) Elect three-yearly, until the end of November at the end of the triennium, the General Assembly Board, the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council.
b) Discuss and vote on the proposals of the Board or any associate within the legal, statutory and regulatory determinations
c) Discuss and vote on amendments to the statutes or General Internal Regulations.
d) Apply disciplinary penalties, namely to rule on the exclusion of members.
e) Detach holders of the organs of the Association.
f) Discuss approve or reject the report and accounts of the Board.
g) Decide on the dissolution of the Association and the destiny to be given to the assets thereof.
h) To resolve on whether or not the Community should associate with other similar associations.
i) Appoint meritorious members under proposal of the Direction.
Article 54
The President is responsible, in addition to what is pointed out in other articles:
a) To convene and preside at all meetings of the General Assembly, in the exercise of its powers:
1º. To declare the opening, suspension and extension of sessions.
2º. To direct the respective works, deciding freely the incidental questions and order, to keep the due moderation and composure, being able to restrict the use of the word, to maintain order in the discussions and votes, to clarify the assembly on the subjects to be discussed, and to declare the clarified matters, strictly observing the provisions of the Statutes and this Regulation.
3º. To ensure compliance with the order of the day, determine the voting system, announcing its results, and decide on the ties verified, or that may be verified.
b) Sign with the members of the bureau, who have been present, the minutes of the sessions.
c) Sign with the secretary the extracts from the minutes to be published.
d) Give all the correspondence addressed to him and give the Assembly notice of it.
e) Assign the elected members to the positions of managing bodies.
f) To initiate the book of Minutes of the General Assembly, signing the terms of Opening and Closing.
g) Participate in the members proposed by the Board to be excluded, the day, time, and place of the meeting that will be held, inviting them to defend themselves or to delegate their defense to any member.
Article 55
The secretary of the General Assembly belongs, in addition to the competence that is indicated to him in other articles.
a) To promote the dossier and the preparation of the assemblies entrusting them.
1º. To make the convocations for the Assemblies, in the precise terms of this Regulation.
2º. Prepare and proceed with the Bureau’s dossier, executing the determinations of the President.
3º. Write and read the minutes of the Assemblies, subscribing them with the rest of the table.
4º. To extract the excerpts from the Minutes, and must present them for the President’s approval, in accordance with what is established in Article 54 (c).
b) Communicate to the Board and the shareholders, as the case may be, the resolutions of the General Assembly.
Article 56
The following is a vowel of the General Assembly:
Make the calls of the registered members and the reading of all correspondence and other documents.
Assist the secretary in his duties.
Chapter V – Management
Article 57
The orientation and execution of activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the Collective as well as its representation in and out of court shall be the responsibility of a Board of Directors composed of a maximum of six members, namely the President, Vice-President, Secretary, the Treasurer and two members vowels in full enjoyment of their rights.
Unique – The receipts of the quotas will be simply indicated, by the Treasurer.
Article 58
The members of the Board are jointly and severally liable for all acts committed during their management, being released from this responsibility once the respective report and accounts are approved.
Unique Paragraph – The member of the Board of Directors who, expressly, has recorded in the Minutes a vote contrary to the resolution that approved it.
Article 59
The Board of Directors ordinarily meets once a month extraordinarily whenever the President deems it necessary or is requested by two members of the Board or by the Fiscal Council.
Article 60
The Board can only deliberate with the presence of at least three members, and the deliberations are always recorded in minutes and taken by an absolute majority, and there can be no abstention, except in cases of personal interest, with the president casting vote.
Unique – Meetings may not function unless they attend the President and the Secretary or the Treasurer.
Article 61
Board meetings will normally have the following agenda.
a) Read and approve the Minutes of the previous meeting, which shall be signed by all the members present.
b) Admission of members.
c) Deliberations on the file.
d) Quarterly appreciation of accounts.
e) Presentation of proposals, suggestions, information and expenses.
Article 62
The Board belongs to the competence assigned to it in other articles.
a) To represent the Association in and out of court.
b) To guide and execute the activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the association.
c) To Govern and Administer the Association, to comply with the deliberations of the General Assembly and all the dispositions of this Regulation.
d) To form special committees, consisting of members of the board, adding to these committees, any member or partners, but without these adjuncts take part in the deliberations of the Assembly.
e) Organize the bookkeeping of the income and expenses of the association with the Fiscal Council’s visa, to be examined by the members.
f) Promote the development of revenues.
g) Admit or refuse the proposals for members in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
h) To resolve on the proposals, petitions, complaints and complaints that the members direct to him in writing.
i) To interpret the meaning of any provision of the Statutes and of this regulation and to solve the cases omitted, according to the spirit that inspires them. Resolutions of cases not covered will be submitted to rectification of the first Ordinary General Assembly.
j) To authorize in advance, any expenses that, with extraordinary character have need of realizing.
k) To make available to the Audit Board the books and documents, providing them with all clarifications, whenever requested, to carry out their mission and communicate the date and time of their meetings.
l) Suspend with justified reason, any member and propose its exclusion to the first General Assembly.
m) To propose to the General Assembly the adoption of resolutions that it deems convenient for the Collectivity.
n) Present annually to the Fiscal Council for approval the report and accounts of the management.
o) Request the Extraordinary General Assembly to be held.
Article 63
The Chairman of the Board shall be the legal representative of the Collectivity before any Entity, in all matters in which he has or may have a direct or indirect interest.
Article 64
It is especially for the President:
a) To direct the work during the meetings.
b To clarify matters as soon as he understands them.
c) Adopt the voting system that he deems most convenient and use a second vote in case of a tie.
d) Aim the certificates of the Minutes and sign the extracts of those to be published, as well as the minutes of the sessions with the other members.
e) Convene the extraordinary meetings of the Board.
f) Sign the identity cards of the members, together with the secretary.
g) To practice any acts within the competence of the Direction, whenever exceptional circumstances require it, but the acts practiced are subject to subsequent rectification or modification of the Direction.
1º. It is incumbent on the Vice-President to replace the President in all his impediments and has the same powers in the absence of this.
Article 65
The Secretary of the Board of Directors is in addition to the competence stipulated in other articles:
a) To prepare and direct the expedient of the Secretariat and give it the respective progress.
b) Extinguish and sign in the proper book, the minutes of the meetings of the Board.
c) Make a chronological record of the members, which will contain at least the number of admission order, name, address, telephone, category and date of admission of each member.
d) Keep in charge to order and keep all documents other than cash documents, as well as the general file and reports.
e) Receive and proceed with the proposals for admission of members and record the changes of categories and addresses.
f) To communicate to the partners the resolutions of the Direction, when it so determines.
g) To organize the list of voting members for the composition of the General Assembly.
h) Sign with the President all identity cards and approval of members.
i) To pass the quotas and to confer annually with the Treasurer, the collection of the same.
Article 66
The Treasurer belongs, in addition to the competence indicated in the article.
a) To receive and save the revenues of the Association and to pay the authorized expenses.
b) Answer the values in your custody.
c) Sign the quota receipts.
d) Proceed, in collaboration with the secretary, to all writing concerning the funds of the Association.
e) To advise and to fix the term time to the partners delayed in quotas.
Article 67
The vowels are:
a) To present to the Direction suggestions and proposals for resolutions, to be sanctioned by it.
Article 68
No member of the Board may leave his or her own, voluntarily, without having previously reported the assets that have been entrusted, or of the services under his responsibility.
Chapter VI – Fiscal Council
Article 69
The Fiscal Council is composed of three members: one President and two secretaries.
Article 70
The Supervisory Board is the entity that inspects and verifies the administrative action of the Board and zela superiorly for the exact compliments of the Statutes and Internal Regulation of the Collectivity.
Article 71
The Supervisory Board is jointly and severally liable for any omission or fraud covered during the year and its minutes shall be recorded in the proper book.
Article 72
To the Fiscal Council:
a) To supervise the revenues and expenses of the Collectivity.
b) To present to the Ordinary General Assembly its opinion, in writing, on the report and accounts of the Board at least eight days before the date of the Meeting of said Meeting, in order to pass on to the shareholders that require it.
c) To examine the writing with regular frequency and whenever they want it and obligatorily, once per quarter, registering in record their opinion.
d) To supervise the acts of the Direction.
e) To attend the meetings of the Board, whenever it understands it or when it requests it where it only has advisory vote, making itself represented, at least by one of its members.
f) To give, in a period of eight days, to the Direction any opinion that this request him.
g) To request the convening of the Extraordinary General Assembly when it becomes aware that the Board has decided against the bylaws or these Internal Regulations, to explain what happened, or when it deems it advisable to propose measures, aimed at the moral and material development of the association.
Chapter VII – Elections
Article 73
Only members who are in the conditions of the provisions of article 33 of these Regulations are eligible for collective bodies of the Collective.
Article 74
Nominations shall be submitted to the President of the General Assembly, or by whomsoever he may do so, fifteen days before, signed by all the proposed members and by at least ten electing members, in full enjoyment of their rights.
Unique – The Management that ceases its functions must, necessarily, present a list, not obliging, but that there must be new names.
Article 75
The lists for elections of the three bodies of the Collectivity indicated in the thirty-first and one of these Regulations shall designate the names of the candidates for the various positions mentioned in articles 38, 57 and 69 of these Rules.
a) Any member can subscribe or be included in more than one list.
b) A list can not be withdrawn once submitted, unless expressly waived by the candidate.
c) The resignations must be delivered to the Secretary of the General Assembly, or the Directorate, until five days before the date fixed for the election.
Article 76
Once the applications have been received and their compliance with this regulation verified, the Secretary of the General Assembly or the Directorate, failing which, shall immediately publish the lists in the association.
Article 77
Scrutiny shall be conducted under the guidance of the members of the Board of the General Assembly.
Article 78
Elections shall be by secret ballot, and ballot papers duly dubbed in four parts shall be delivered by the voters to the Chairman of the General Assembly Board who shall cast them in the ballot box.
Article 79
The social positions of the different management bodies are not cumulative.
Article 80
The list with the highest number of votes is considered elected.
Unique – In case of tie of number of votes, a new ballot will be made after fifteen minutes.
Article 81
Once the votes have been determined, the President of the General Assembly shall proclaim the elect and the Secretary of the General Assembly shall publish their names in the Association.
Article 82
Complaints about decisions of the Board of the General Assembly may be appealed to the General Assembly, at the time of meeting except in the case of decisions of mere expediency, of which there will be no appeal.
Article 83
Complaints and appeals may only be submitted by any voting member present at the General Assembly.
Article 84
The inauguration of the new management bodies shall be given by the Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly, on a date fixed by him, within the first fifteen days of January, and shall notify the elected officers of the date and time of such act.
Article 85
In a continuous act to the possession, the Direction that ends its mandate will give to the Elected Direction, of all the assets, documents and books of the Association by means of inventory.
Chapter VIII – The Financial Regime
Article 86
The revenue of the members’ quotas and any assets arising from its activity or assigned to it by any title shall constitute assets of the collectivity.
Article 87
The revenues of the Association, as well as the expenses, are divided into ordinary and extraordinary and will be applied in accordance with the budgets organized by the Directorate for each calendar year.
a) The ordinary revenues are constituted:
1º. For the quotas paid by the partners.
2º. By the sale of the Internal Regulation, emblems (when they exist) pennants and other articles.
3º. By the income of the Bar.
4º. Any other income.
b) Extraordinary income shall consist of all other possible income, such as subsidies from members, official or private entities, donations, donations or bequests attributed to the Association, including the proceeds of fines.
c) Ordinary expenses shall be all that is applied, under any heading, to the exercise of the collective, extraordinary, to which it may be applied for reasons other than that.
Article 88
In the accounting of the Collectivity will be used the books that are necessary and sufficient, for the convenient storage of the writing.
Article 89
It is true to the members to collect donations that are destined to the Collective, whatever its end, without previous written authorization by the Direction.
Unique – The members who are authorized to raise donations, are obliged to do so by means of a list with the names of the subscribers and respective amounts, previously approved by the Board, to whom they will be duly returned together with the donations.
Chapter IX – Of the Council of Organs
Article 90
The Board of Officers shall be composed of the General Assembly Board, the Fiscal Council and the Board of Directors, and shall be chaired by the Chairman of the General Assembly and, failing that, by the Chairman of the Fiscal Council or, failing that, by the Chairman of the Board.
Article 91
The Board of Governors shall meet whenever it is convened by one of the Presidents of any organ of the Collectivity, and its deliberations, which may only have as objective the subject indicated in the respective convocation of the Collectivity at an extraordinary General Assembly.
Article 92
Each of its organs constituting the Council shall decide by a majority of its members and shall have one vote in the Assemblies of the same Council.
Unique – The deliberations of the Council of the organs shall be taken as a result of two concurring votes.
Article 93
At each meeting of the Council of the organs, a record shall always be drawn up in a specially designated book, an act containing only the decision of the Council on the subject of the convocation, without any individual declaration of vote.
Chapter X – Dissolution and Settlement
Article 94
The Collectivity shall dissolve when it is covered by one of the legal provisions.
a) By resolution of the General Assembly, specially convened for this purpose.
b) By judicial decision that declares its insolvency and when.
1º. Its end has been exhausted or has become impossible.
2º. Its actual end does not coincide with the end expressed in the act of the Constitution.
3º. Their end is systematically pursued by illicit or moral means.
4º. Their existence is contrary to public order.
Article 95
In the cases foreseen in any of the items of number two of the preceding article, the declaration of extinction may be filed in court by the Public Prosecution Service or by any interested party.
Article 96
Extinction, or dissolution, by virtue of the declaration of insolvency occurs when, after the normal financial resources have been exhausted, the members refuse to subscribe extraordinarily and it is impossible to keep up.
Article 97
Once all means of fostering the life of the Collective have been exhausted, if it is recognized as unfeasible, it shall convene the General Assembly in an extraordinary session, announced in advance, in particular the end of the meeting, which shall not function less than four fifths of partners.
Unique – For the dissolution to be approved, a favorable vote of three quarters of the number of all members is required.
Article 98
Once the Association is extinguished, the powers of its organs are limited to the practice of merely conservatory acts, and those necessary both for the liquidation of the social patrimony and for the finalization of pending matters, for the remaining acts and for the damages they may cause to the Collective, that practice them.
Unique – For the obligations that the administrators oppose, the association only responds to third parties if they were in good faith and to the extinction has not been given the proper publicity.
Article 99
The General Assembly that votes for the dissolution shall rule on the fate to be given to the assets of the Collective, without prejudice to the provisions of special laws.
Chapter XI – General and Transitional Provisions
Article 100
The present General Internal Regulation can only be changed by a requirement of the official entities, duly proven in writing, or by an extraordinary General Assembly convened expressly for this purpose, provided that it obtains a favorable vote of three-quarters of the number of associates present with voting rights in the full enjoyment of its limits.
Unique – The provisions contained in this regulation may also be suspended or amended by resolution of the Council of the bodies convened for that purpose, indicating in the notice or articles to be amended and the proposed new wording. In this case, the Council may decide not only if a majority of members of each of its organs are present, but with a quorum of eight members.
Article 101
The suspension or alteration of any provision of these General Internal Regulations or of the Articles of Incorporation, pursuant to the terms of the previous article and its sole paragraph, as well as the omission resolution taken by the Board and rectified by the Ordinary General Assembly pursuant to number nine article 62, will be incorporated by the Board in this regulation and communicated to all members by circular or, as soon as possible, published in a new edition.
Article 102
The social year shall be from 1 January to 31 December, corresponding to the calendar year, unless otherwise provided by law.
Article 103
This Regulation shall enter into force immediately upon its approval by the General Assembly.