Statutes – Banda Orquestral de Câmara de Lobos Os Infantes

Current Statutes Approved by the General Assembly in the year 1987

Article 1
The Association “Orquestral Band of Câmara de Lobos – Os Infantes”, has its headquarters in the site of the Tower, parish and municipality of Câmara de Lobos, and is governed by the present statutes.

Single Paragraph: The Association “Orquestral Band of Câmara de Lobos – Os Infantes” can not assume political attitudes.

Article 2
The objectives of the “Orquestral Band of Câmara de Lobos – Os Infantes” Association are: To promote the teaching and improvement of music, among its partners – to create and maintain the scope of their specialty (music), a service with a strong cultural and recreational interest among its associates and the population in general – to grant scholarships, prizes or incentives to its associates or to students studying subjects of specialty.

Article 3
There will be three categories of partners:

a) Performers
b) Contributors
c) Fees

Paragraph One: They are performing partners, those who perform artistic functions of the Association.

Second Paragraph: The natural or legal persons who wish to do so by paying a jewel and a minimum quota stipulated by the General Assembly shall be contributing partners of the Association.

Paragraph Three: honorary partners are the natural or legal persons who have rendered services relevant to the Association, Science and musical art and are thus declared at a General Assembly.

Article 4
The admission of the partners is the responsibility of the Directorate of the Association, at the request of the interested parties.

Article 5
The decision of the Board of Directors on the request for admission may be made by any member in full enjoyment of his rights, to appeal to the General Assembly.

Article 6
The association will carry out its following bodies bodies:

a) General Assembly,
b) Direction
c) supervisory board

Article 7
(The Association shall carry out its functions through the following organs: Seventh) – The General Assembly is constituted by the performing partners and taxpayers, in the full enjoyment of their rights and in it resides the supreme power of the association.

Article 8
The table of the General Assembly is composed of:

a) President
b) Two secretaries.

Article 9
The General Assemblys shall be convened by the Chairman of the Board, on his own initiative or at the request of the Board of Directors, the Fiscal Council, or a minimum of thirty partners, by means of a postal notice issued to each of the partners at least thirty days in advance.

Article 10
To the Board composed of a president, a secretary, a treasurer and two vowels, is responsible for the administration and development of the association and its representation in court and outside it.

Article 11
Resolutions of the Board of Directors may be appealed to the General Assembly.

Article 12
The Board of Auditors, composed of three partners, a chairman, a rapporteur, a member of the Board, who are responsible for supervising the Board’s actions, in accordance with the law, bylaws and regulations, and give their opinion on the annual report and accounts of the Board.

Article 13
The revenues of the Association are the proceeds of jewelry, quotas, donations or bequests, and any revenue legally attributed to it or created by the Board within the scope of its competence.

Article 14
Violations of the rules established in these statutes and internal regulations, as well as the deliberations of the General Assembly, give rise to the following penalties according to the seriousness of the infractions:

a) Warning
b) Suspension
c) Resignation

Single Paragraph: The penalties of sub-paragraph a) are the responsibility of the Board of Directors, and the remaining ones are the responsibility of the General Assembly, on proposal of the Board of Directors, who will organize the respective process with hearing of the file.

Article 15
The voluntary dissolution of the “Orquestral Band of Câmara de Lobos – Os Infantes” Association, can only be decided at the General Assembly, expressly called for this purpose, needing to be approved by the majority of three quarters of the number of all partners.

Article 16
The liquidation, in the event of the dissolution of the Association, shall be made according to the prevailing law, and if the debts are satisfied or the amounts necessary for payment are paid, the remainder shall be, according to the General Assembly resolution, assigned to an institution or institutions whose purposes are directly linked to the interests of musicians or to the study and development of music.

Article 17
The General Assembly shall approve, on proposal of the management, the internal regulations necessary for the development of the statutory rules.

Article 18
In the absence of this, the Supplementary provisions of the Civil Code applicable to Associations shall be in force.

Article 19
The first five founding partners are constituted as a Provisional Directorate, with specific attributions to proceed with the admission of new partners and to promote until the end of August for the election of the organs of the association.

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