Banda Recreio Camponês

Banda Recreio Camponês

The Banda Recreio Camponês (B.R.C.), better known as “Banda Nova”, was founded on December 1, 1910 in Câmara de Lobos.

José Gonçalves de Freitas was the founder of Banda Recreio Camponês. Freitas was born on August 27, 1884 and was a native of Câmara de Lobos. Trader in the grocery store, [Girão Revista, nº 3, 2º semestre, 1989, p. 93] began his musical training in the Banda Recreio dos Lavradores (Banda Municipal de Câmara de Lobos) by Mr. Noronha, in the instrument of clarinet Eb. Considering that there were disagreements in the Banda Recreio dos Lavradores, José Gonçalves de Freitas founded the Filarmónica Recreio Camponês (now Banda Recreio Camponês) in 1910, when he was 26 years old.

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