

Each association / philharmonic band is identified by the use of a singular uniform, a regulated garment with specific characteristics. As the designation suggests, the wearing of the uniform made honoring and noting the institution, as well as the parity of its members, visually dissipating, with the exception of the sex of the performers, the differences of formation, possessions, social status, hierarchy, of race and creed, among others (in this respect, the uniforms of the philharmonic bands are distinguished from the typical costumes used by other musical collectivities, such as the folk groups, which seek to represent, through a historically informed recovery, the clothing of the communities rural areas). The clothing of the philharmonic band, inspired initially by the military uniform, was, for this reason, directed by the competent organisms to prevent its unduly and legally punishable duplication. The philharmonic band uniform is usually made up of a suit, with a tie, or a coat skirt, with a tie or dress, black shoes and, in some philharmonic, a hat. The specific uniform of each philharmonic band is still identified by the use of emblem on the jacket, lyre embroidered on the tie, etc. The constitution of the uniform and its proper use, and for the service of the band, are regulated: nevertheless, in wakes, the institution asks its executors to wear a black tie; Finally, the executive and artistic directorate can also agree with contracting entities that, under the conditions of the service, musicians may present themselves "in civilian form". Of classic cut, the current masculine and feminine uniforms of the philharmonic bands distinguish themselves in gala uniforms for the solemn events and uniforms for the habitual services.

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